Digital Strategy Development


We are here to help you with in a step-by-step digital strategy designed for your business.


We are here to assist you in defining:


  • Your business/brand communication goals
  • Target group(s)
  • Appropriate mix of online channels and platforms to reach your target audience and meet your objectives (Premium display advertising, Google advertising, Facebook & Instagram ads, Facebook pages & Instagram accounts, YouTube advertising, games, promotions, etc.)
  • Timing of different phases
  • Effective budget estimates


As a full-service digital advertising agency will also do:


  • the online media planning and buying
  • monitoring and optimization of activities
  • results reporting for your KPIs
  • analysis of effectiveness of channels, formats, positions to optimize future activities

Social Media Marketing, Content Management & Influencers


Through social media marketing we can help you drive traffic to your website and build stronger engagement with your online communities. We offer solutions for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Viber, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs and more.


We are here to help you with:


  • The design of your social media strategy to better fit your goals
  • Successfully (re)design  your digital assets on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, etc.
  • Content management for your Facebook page, Instagram account, Twitter account, blog, etc.
  • Design and development of applications (e.g. Facebook games/apps/sites)
  • Influencer campaigns – if you need your product to reach out to people from “the mouth” of online celebrities, we are here to manage the full process of the campaign

Performance Advertising: Google Ads, Facebook and other


If you want better visibility on search engine results pages and to maximize your reach through relevant traffic, we are here to offer you Cost-per-click (CPC) Advertising and Search Engine Optimization (SEO).


Google AdWords:


  • Google Search
  • Google Display network
  • Video Ads on YouTube and Google Display network
  • Facebook & Instagram Ads
  • E-mail campaigns




  • SEO websites audits
  • On-site SEO optimization
  • Off-site SEO optimization

Premium Advertising (CPM)


The most attractive (premium) ad inventory, owned by the Bulgarian online publishers, is sold by Cost-per-Thousand (CPM) impressions model. So if awareness and premium positioning are among your priorities as a brand, then CPM advertising should be considered as part of the online mix.


We can bring value to your business using CPM, because:


  • A wide variety of ad formats are available (open field for creativity and to capture audience)
  • We make careful selection of sites and positions based on online research metrics
  • We have more than 20 years of experience and excellent relations with all major Bulgarian publishers to offer you excellent buying conditions
  • We use third-party serving and reporting systems to make sure the planned performance is achieved

Video Advertising – YouTube


Video Advertising on YouTube is for the Bulgarian advertisers for over 5 years now. If you wonder why this channel is important for all advertisers, even those who consider TV as their primary means of communication, consider the following information:


• YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world
• Over 6 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube monthly
What is more, according to the recent research, done by GFK and Google in Germany:
• if a small amount of the TV budget is moved to YouTube this leads to rise in the overall reach of the campaign
• if reach is kept the same, then there are overall budget savings when combing TV and YouTube
• YouTube is the medium that reaches better light and medium TV viewers, which are typically the younger target groups


The advertiser pays on CPV model (cost-per-view). Thus impressions are free, the advertiser pays only for engaged views.

Development & Design: Websites, Ads and Mobile Apps


We offer full creative solutions that deliver the brand message using the latest technologies and media!


An excellent website and/or the mobile app are those that represent the essence of your business/brand, connect and  fulfill your costumers needs and bring value for the business. We link objectives to the platform’s architecture and navigation, ensure usability, plan the SEO, database linking, test, adapt and manage the full cycle of developing a brand’s online and mobile presence.


If you do not have any advertising formats to run online campaigns – we are here to help with that, as well 😊


You can rely on us to help you with the content, design, visualization and production of:


  • websites
  • mobile apps
  • ad banners
  • videos for web
  • e-mails
  • social pages and accounts
  • etc.